BB2B: BIKEBAZfor Businesses

Learn how BIKEBAZE® works with various companies and organizations to take bicycle safety to the next level. Whether you're an insurer, bike shop, municipality, leasing company or community, we offer tailor-made solutions to reduce theft and increase cycling pleasure.

Increase cycling enjoyment among people together.

Do you work at an insurance company, municipality, bike store, leasing company, or run a community? Then let's work together! Find out how your organization can contribute to a safer cycling environment with BIKEBAZE®. Get in touch and let's discuss the possibilities! Together we'll put the pedals in motion for change.


Reduce claims and resolve ownership issues efficiently. Our advanced bike registration system offers improved safety and a streamlined claims process. Innovate with us!eigendomskwesties efficiënt op. Ons geavanceerde fietsregistratiesysteem biedt verbeterde veiligheid en een gestroomlijnd claimproces. Innoveer met ons!

BB2Bike Shop

Start distributing SafeTags and enjoy the benefits of a BIKEBAZE® authorized dealer. Increase your customer satisfaction and contribute to bicycle safety. Become a partner!Verhoog je klanttevredenheid en draag bij aan fietsveiligheid. Word partner!


Work together to increase parking efficiency and reduce bicycle theft. With our data insights, you can implement proactive measures for an orderly and safe city.parkeerefficiëntie te verhogen en fietsdiefstal te verminderen. Met onze data-inzichten kunt u proactieve maatregelen implementeren voor een geordende en veilige stad.

BB2Bike Leasing Company

Integrate BIKEBAZE® into your leasing services to reduce theft and streamline property management. Our system provides robust protection and increases customer confidence. Secure your fleet!eigendomsbeheer te stroomlijnen. Ons systeem biedt robuuste bescherming en verhoogt het vertrouwen van klanten. Beveilig uw vloot!


Implement BIKEBAZE®-Only Zones to ensure organized and safe bicycle parking. Address problems of misplaced or abandoned bikes and promote an orderly and theft-resistant environment. For condominiums, campuses, business parks, etc. Explore the possibilities!georganiseerd en veilig fietsparkeren te waarborgen. Pak problemen van verkeerd geplaatste of achtergelaten fietsen aan en bevorder een geordende en diefstalbestendige omgeving. Voor VvE's, campussen, bedrijventerreinen etc. Ontdek de mogelijkheden!


Secure your company bikes with SafeTags.

Is your company looking for effective ways to secure a fleet of company bikes? BIKEBAZE® offers a range of solutions including SafeTags in bulk (with company branding) and the ability to implement BIKEBAZE®-Only Zones. Our services are ideal for companies looking to protect their bikes from theft, increase the likelihood of recovery and create a safer cycling environment for employees. Whether you are interested in directly securing your bikes with SafeTags, setting up specific zones for added security and organization, or an exploratory conversation about security options for your business, BIKEBAZE® is ready to support you. Fill out our contact form to find out how we can help your business promote bike safety and efficient bike management.

Get in touch with us!

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