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How does BIKEBAZE® work in a nutshell?

BIKEBAZE® works like this:

1. Registration in BikeVault: You register your bike in your name in our database, using your bike's unique frame number.
2. SafeTags: When you order a SafeTag package, stick it to your bike and link it to your bike registration in the database.

3. In case of theft: Is your bike stolen? Then fill it theft form in. Your bike is marked as stolen in our database.

4. Trace: Anyone who looks up your frame number or scans your SafeTag sees that the bike has been stolen and gets information about how to contact you.

5. Bike found: When your bike is found, enter a form in with the necessary information to update the status in our database.

What if the SafeTags are removed from my bike?

Our SafeTags are strong and tamper-resistant. If they are removed or damaged, your bike remains recognisable via the unique frame number in our BikeVault database.

Just like a car and its chassis number, your bike will always be linked to you.

In addition, we replace a damaged SafeTag free of charge. Remember, the most important thing is the unique registration of your bike; even without SafeTags, your bike remains recognisable as yours and secured within the BIKEBAZE® Society.

Is there a subscription fee for BIKEBAZE® services?

Yes, at BIKEBAZE®, we use a subscription model to continuously improve and expand our services. This enables us to guarantee a high quality of service and develop new features that contribute to the safety of your bike.

Fun things are coming! Stay tuned!

Why does registering my bike with BIKEBAZE® cost money?

The costs of registering your bike with BIKEBAZE® are essential to maintain an organized and reliable database. By charging a small fee, we ensure that every registered bike really exists and that we can generate accurate data insights.

These insights are critical to creating effective theft prevention services that are included in your subscription.

In addition, your contribution helps us develop further innovative products and services. Our mission is to stop bicycle theft and increase cycling pleasure, and this is only achievable if we use a sustainable, paid subscription model.

What happens if someone finds my stolen bike?

If someone finds your stolen bike and scans the SafeTag, they'll be redirected to a page with your contact information and instructions. We advise the finder not to recover the bike himself, but to inform you discreetly and contact the local authorities if necessary. This process ensures a safe and responsible return. As an owner, we recommend that you visit the find your bike, always call in police help and not take risks yourself, to ensure safety and legality.