Bike stolen? Report it now!

Uncovering bike theft is undoubtedly one of the most frustrating experiences. BIKEBAZE® is ready to support you in this difficult time. By filling out the form below, you'll help us take quick action and increase the chances of your bike being found.

What to do after reporting?

File a police report

An official police report is crucial, not only for the investigation and possible recovery of your bike, but also for insurance purposes. Recording the theft with the police provides official proof of the theft, which is essential when reclaiming your bike. In addition, your report contributes to a better insight into bicycle thefts, which can help improve preventive measures and policies. With your declaration and the SafeTag ID in the BIKEBAZE® BikeVault, you have solid proof of ownership and theft, which simplifies the process of finding your bike.

Inform your insurance

Report the theft to your insurance company to initiate any claims. Make sure you have all the necessary information at hand, such as the police report and details about your bike.

Stay safe and alert

Stay alert to any information about your stolen bike, but avoid personal risk. When you find your bike, always contact the police for safe assistance.

When you find your bike

Finding your bike can be a huge relief, but it's important to approach this situation in a safe and legal way.

Avoid risk

If you see your bike, don't try to retrieve it yourself if it puts you in dangerous situations or could cause legal problems. It is important to put your own safety first and not to take unnecessary risks.

Contact authorities

Inform the local authorities about the location and situation of your found bike. They have the experience and resources to get the bike back safely and legally. Working with the police ensures that you follow all legal steps correctly and increases the chance that the thief will be caught.

After finding

Update status in the BikeVault

Fill it form for recovered bicycles into our website. This allows us to update the status of your bike in the BikeVault and inform the BIKEBAZE® Society. By informing us, you also help keep track of statistics and trends in bicycle theft, which contributes to future prevention.

Collecting evidence

If your bike has been found, try to document any evidence of its location or condition. Photographs or witness statements may be useful for insurance claims or further police investigations.

Check for damage

Check your bike for any damage that may have occurred during the theft or in the period thereafter. Report damage to your insurance company as part of your claim.

Steps to report theft:

1. Please fill out the following form

Provide details about the theft including SafeTag ID, date, time, and location of the theft.

2. We are changing the status

After submitting the form, we update the status of your bike in our BikeVault to “Stolen”.

3. Get confirmation and instructions

After submission, you will receive a confirmation with further steps and useful tips.


What should I do first if my bike is stolen?

Report it to the local police as soon as possible. This is not only important for finding your bike and for insurance claims, but it also helps society by providing valuable insights into the theft problem, which can lead to better prevention policies and strategies. Then fill in the theft form to update the status of your bike to “Stolen” in our BikeVault.

How does BIKEBAZE® help me find my stolen bike?

Once your bike is reported stolen, this status is updated in our BikeVault. Anyone who scans the SafeTag or looks up the frame number/SafeTag ID sees that the bike has been stolen and can contact you. This network increases the chance that your bike will be noticed and found.

What do I do if I find my bike myself?

Don't take risks and approach the situation carefully. Contact local authorities for help and follow their instructions for a safe return. Inform us via the found bike form so that we can update the status of your bike.

Can I still register my bike if it's stolen?

Yes, it is possible to register your bike in our system even after it has been stolen. First, start with registering your bike by entering the frame number. After registration, fill in the theft form with all relevant details about the theft. Although your bike does not have a SafeTag, registering with the frame number can help us identify your bike and increase the chances of finding it. If you don't have the frame number, together with no SafeTag, it is not possible to find your bike via our services.

What happens if my bike is found?

Inform us immediately via the found bike form and we will update the status in the BikeVault. It is also important that you inform the police and your insurance company about the recovery.